Alien Seed Tech
Kron    CV Toolbox

The Kron is a rack extension for Reason that can do just about anything with CV.

Version 1.2 is in the shop!
Buy/Try it here.

Download the user manual here.

Frequently Asked Questions.


Version 1.2 Upgrade Features:
Mod sections combined into bigger displays
Curve shape, sources, and other mod menus now have submenus
Thor-like mod amounts
Menus for clearing mods

Random waveform generation tools
Modifier keys can be used with the editor

Sample and Hold sources
More Grid sources
GUI tweaks, etc.

This version uses more GDI objects in Windows.
If Reason gets a "device view error: unable to load" with a ton of KRONs, raise that limit.
There are 2 registry keys to change. You can just search for it or follow this step-by-step guide:
Increasing User Handle and GDI Handle Limits.

If it wasn't for this issue, there would be more custom displays with better organization on this new version.
I had to roll back some of my changes.


Version 1.2 upgrade:

Short demos:

15-min long Demos/Intros (describing most controls)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

In no particular order:

1. Gate Channels?
Basically, the gate channels are driven by various things and then pointed to by the gate channel knobs on the components (red->purple lamp-knobs, default off, at the top of the LFOs, Grid, etc.). Each has a source menu (which can point to pretty much anything), a quant channel knob (to be driven by a quant), and a user trigger button. This way, multiple components can be driven by the same gate, and a gate can be a combo of things. You can also combine the two gates into a third. So the idea is flexibility.

2. Quants?
It's similar to the gates in that they are used by other components via quant channel knobs. They can also just be used as standalone gate generators and mod or grid sources. They're multi-purpose square-wave LFOs. So on the gates, the quant channel knobs will drive the gates via the quants. On the LFOs and Grid, these knobs will quantize. The smooth knob on the quants controls the amount of smoothing. The default of 0 is just a sample and hold.

3. Why is the background so dark and some of the knobs and menus so hard to see? :)
The idea here for much of the device, though not all, is that when something is active, it lights up. So on the LFOs, you can scan them and see what's being used without having to read every knob. I think this makes it much easier to use in the long run, though it may seem confusing at first.

Also, many of the options on here are not very important for a lot of usage, but they were all added by request or by me finding something that I figured surely someone would expect this thing to do--usually this was me, trying to do something or other in a patch or song. So my apologies for the baffling array of options (and the layout, etc. ;)), but there is a reason behind this madness!

4. Future SDK options?
Not sure yet. I'll figure it out eventually. But I ran into serious SDK limits that probably limit the kinds of things I can do to this in the future.

5. How about audio outs?
Can't happen. Sorry!

7. Curve Sections?
The idea here is to curve the phase, which is the lookup into waveforms. Normally the phase is a line. If you curve a saw wave, you can get a pretty exact visual representation of what's going on under the hood. Beyond that, it may be easier to just tinker with it. See the manual and help sections and such. :)

FWIW, I prefer using both of the mid toggles (on the left of the curve section) when I use the curve mid knob, but it just depends on what you want to do. If that helps... And for the H/M/L warping (green toggles), I recommend turning that H/M/L curve toggle on (green, right of the LFO mods) so the mid knobs use an s-curve function, otherwise they'll be linear.

IMO one of the great advantages of these curve sections is that you can mod everything and have extremely dynamic waveforms, feedback galore, chaotic sweetness, jagged whatnots, etc. And with free frequencies or sync freqs using env sync (the purple button next so sync), the LFO curve sections are smoothly modded, meaning the phases are adjusted so that their outputs don't skip around as parameters are changed.

8. Note Quantizing?
The custom waveforms can be used to do this via the bottom of the back panel. Select an overall type (weighted or unweighted note quantizing), and assign the waveforms that will be used as scales to the desired LFOs. Choose that waveform in the editor and you should see "Note Quantizer" and notes on the screen. Choose your scale size (e.g. 12) via the number of points. Then draw in the notes with the draw tool. These notes can't be automated (none of the waveforms can record their points being moved), but you can switch between scales by using the mod section to control the back panel waveforms.

Pass-through arpeggiation is more difficult but there are device and combi patches that do this. Note sequencing can be done, and the recent update has a couple of demo patches for this.

9. Community Patch Refill or something?
I'd like to do this eventually, so when users are comfortable with it, I'll figure out some way of organizing this. Stay tuned, but not too tuned! I think it'll be free. I'd like to expand on the combinator patches, big-time.

10. When will the PSDN 2.0 finally come out? :)
Gonna try to do this by the end of the year, but honestly time's running out and I've been working on the KRON still. :) Apologies!